After months of talking about it, I finally quit my day job. I worked as an office manager and could not manage to fit all my writing and publishing into evenings and weekends. After a long day at the office, I often found my brain cells didn't want to absorb any more information. Makes is awfully hard to think. I was being torn and something had to give. For me, it could not be writing and so I gave up my day job.
Leaving a job is scary and you need to ensure you have a source of income. Fortunately, we are a two-income couple with no mortgage and we have planned for the loss of my income. You need to make a one-year budget and be prepared to live within it. We love to travel, but I can guarantee we're not going back to Europe this year. But that's okay. Now I can focus on writing and developing my publishing business.
I have already made progress. I have started to learn one of the software programs I need to know (there are three in total). I have put together a pitch for Camosun College in Victoria to put on my publishing workshops, and I applied to the local community newspaper as a casual freelance writer. I have even put together power point presentations for my workshops to jazz them up.
So where can you find me these days when I'm not in my home office?
Self Publishing in Canada workshop at Vancouver Island University Nanaimo Campus (there are still some seats available) April 24, 9:00-4:00
You've Written a Book - Now What? workshop at Vancouver Island University Nanaimo Campus May 1, 9:00-4:00
Self Publishing in Canada workshop at Simon Fraser University
July 15, 9:00-5:00
Book signing at the Penticton Saturday Market July 17 8:00-12:30