Sunday, May 9, 2010

FREE Self-Publishers Online Conference

Happy Mother's Day to all my reader's who have children, whether young or grown. Today my hubby, son-in-law and grandson are making breakfast for the Moms. What a nice treat on a warm, sunny BC day.

A reader sent me information about a FREE Self-Publishers Online Conference that I would like to share:

May 12, 13 and 14
The Self-Publishers Online Conference connects entrepreneurial authors and independent publishers with book publishing resources. The three-day virtual event features expert speakers and an online exhibit hall with book industry vendors. Fifteen publishing experts share tips and advice for both aspiring and veteran self-publishers. Basic attendance is FREE. 

I checked the site out and two speakers are Dan Poynter and John Kremer. They are two people who would be worth listening to.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Write an E-book also..

For a number of years I have subscribed to Quill & Quire, Canada's magazine of book news and reviews. The publication helps me stay current on what is going on in the Canadian publishing industry so I can pass this on to my readers and students.

Lately articles about e-books have been showing up regularly. Self-published authors know that an e-book version of your print book is a great addition to what you have to offer. An e-book can be used to test the market for your book. You can develop a fan base while you save up the funds to have a paper copy printed. You can make money selling e-books on your website along with print copies.

Now the trade publishers are "discovering" how valuable this format can be. They are using it to keep their back titles in print. HarperCollins announced they plan to convert them to e-books and add special features like you find on DVDs. Penguin Canada recently released e-book editions of four Canadian classics. They have "enriched" them with web links.

In order to compete with the trades, you need to think like they do. I'll be talking about e-books over the next few posts. If you have any questions, please leave a comment or email me directly through my website.