Sunday, January 20, 2008

Sign up for Christmas Craft fairs.

I had a letter from a fellow who was disappointed that his book was not selling well at two local bookstores where he had them on consignment. Dan Poynter always says that bookstores are not the best places to sell books and he is right. The author/publisher needs to drum up more publicity. You also need to get out to markets, book events, art events - any where you can have a table set up to talk about your book and hopefully sell a few. I know a self-published author who does extremely well at all the Christmas craft fairs in her region. Her book makes a great gift. Maybe yours will too. Be creative. But take note that now is the time to book a table or you may miss out on the 2009 season.


Dan Poynter said...

Whether you sell out to a publisher or publish yourself, the author must do the promoting of the book. Publishers manufactuer and distribute; they do not promote.
Here are some promotion ideas.

The book is published and you have just given birth to a new member of your family. Along with the joy of being published, you now have the responsibility of raising your new family member.

Here are several pages of tips and resources to help you with your book marketing, promoting and distributing.

Book promotion is an exciting, challenging and fun business. I've been in this industry for more than 35 years and it was a lot more difficult when I started. Today, there are many courses, support groups (associations), manuals and a lot of nice publishers.

New computer programs, new printing methods and the Web are transforming the writing, producing, disseminating and promoting of information. Books will never be the same. The winners are author, publishers and readers.

Book publishing is changing—for the better. There is a New Model for book writing, producing, selling and promoting. Now you can break into print faster, easier and cheaper. One part of this revolutionary change is in promoting.

To make a book go, it has to be read. To break out from the pack of 291,000 annually-published titles, a book has to reach the Tipping Point or critical mass; it has to benefit from word-of-mouth. To reach bestsellerdom, a book has to be recommended by many people to other people.

Originally and traditionally, books were printed in hardcover first; the early adopters bought them. A year or so later the book was re-issued in softcover. Most people bought the soft cover because by then, they heard of the book. The budget-minded people waited another couple of years for the mass-market paperback. Those are the smaller-format books printed on pulp paper and sold in the drug stores and super markets. The conventional wisdom is that one edition does not rob sales from another because the market segments (buyers) are different. Consequently, today, these three editions are often published simultaneously—for a good reason. Read on.

Today, there are more books, published in more editions and available to an even wider audience. For people who spend most of their time at home, the printed-paper book (pBook) is a convenient way to be entertained (fiction) or to learn something/solve a problem (nonfiction). For those in their vehicles such as commuters, sales reps and long-haul truckers, the audiobook (aBook) works well. For travelers with little room in a suitcase, electronic books (eBooks) full the bill. For the vision impaired and the reading-challenged, the LARGE PRINT (lpBook) may be the answer.

For example, go to Amazon and look up Dreamcatcher by Stephen King. You will find it available in hardcover, softcover, school/library binding, hardcover/LARGE PRINT, audio cassette, audio CD, audio download and eBook/digital download (.LIT) for the MS-Reader. Stephen King wrote the book once; it is being sold in nine different editions.

If your book is available in more than one edition, it will be read by more people and you are likely to reach the Tipping Point sooner. It does not matter which edition a person reads. He could read the hardcover edition and recommend the title to a colleague who commutes long distances. She could listen to the audio and recommend it to her mother who is sight and hearing impaired. The mother could buy the LARGE PRINT edition and recommend the title to a neighbor who spends a lot of time on airplanes and in airports. He will buy the eBook, and so on. In each case the book is getting read and recommended.

Printing is a quantity game. For example, for a 144-page, 5.5 x 8.5 book, it might cost $3.50 each to print 500, $1.25 for 3,000 or .60 cents for 15,000. The more you print, the lower the per-unit cost. The lower prices are attractive but, of course, we do not want to print too many and have to eat them. For more information on printing, see
Buying Book Printing

Publishers find downloadable electronic and audiobooks to be very attractive. Downloads do not have to be manufactured, shipped or inventoried. They can even be set up on websites to be automatically downloaded. With self-service, there are no interruptions.

For more information on turning your printed book into an eBook, see Document 615 at

For more information on turning your printed book into a LARGE PRINT book, see Document 642 at

For more information on turning your printed book into an Audio book, see Document 635 at

Getting books into stores. To reach customers you do not already know, you will need dealers. Bookstores and other outlets will sell your book. The best way to reach the stores is through a distributor. The distributors take some 66% of the cover or list price. Distributors have sales reps that visit the stores, bring back the orders, ship the books and collect the money due. They give the wholesalers 50-55% and the stores 40% or a little more. Distributors earn their money.
See Book Marketing: A New Approach

It doesn't matter if you sell out to a large (New York) publisher or publish yourself, the author must do the promotion. Publishers do not promote books. They place them in stores and list them in the catalog. Period!

Getting customers into stores. The least expensive and most effective form of book promotion is book reviews to highly-targeted periodicals. (e.g., send a skydiving book to the 68 parachute magazines worldwide.)
See the Special Report Book Reviews.

For more information on news releases, see the Special Report News Releases & Book Publicity at

For lists of magazines, newsletters, stores, catalogs and more, see.

Make your book available to the widest-possible audience. Publish it in several editions. Give the title every possible chance.

NO NATIONAL BORDERS. The World is your potential market. Because you are selling information (nonfiction) or entertainment (fiction)—not hard goods, you may distribute your eBooks and eReports via the Internet. Your customer benefits from no cost to ship, no import duty, and no sales taxes while getting instant delivery. You can live in paradise and be an author and/or publisher of books.

THE NEW BOOK MODEL is described in detail in my presentations and the latest edition of The Self-Publishing Manual. For an Executive Summary, see

Listen to Dan Poynter being interviewed on The New Book Model. Go to
And scroll down to "On Air".

BOOKSTORES ARE A LOUSY PLACE TO SELL BOOKS. Go into a bookstore and look around. How many people came in to buy a book on skydiving? Now visit a parachute store. How many are interested in a book on skydiving? There are many places to sell books besides bookstore. They are easier to reach, much more lucrative and a lot more fun.

ePROMOTION. You will discover faster, cheaper, more effective ePromotion. I will describe sending eReview books and eNews releases. I will show you examples of using expanded color business cards rather than expensive color brochures. I will describe the new ways to handle radio/TV interviews and why you should stage mini seminars rather than autographings in bookstores.

I will show you how to use email to sell foreign rights, online bookstores and book clubs. You will turn specialty stores, associations, magazines and conventions into dealers. You will sell to catalogs, as premiums, fundraisers and to the military/government.

To start Thinking Outside of the Book (trade), See

DISINTERMEDIATION. Now you can cut out the intermediaries and sell directly to your reader/end user just as Stephen King has done. Today, the creator of the book can deal directly with the reader. Most of your buyers will find you; you do not have to go looking for them. You will make more money, get to press sooner and keep control of your work.

eCOMMERCE. You will sell your books and reports electronically, automatically and unattended. For electronic versions of your book, there are no printing bills, no trucking-in, no inventory, no package wrapping, no postage, no sales tax collections and best of all: no interrupting telephone orders. Your reading customer gets instant delivery and you bank the sale at your convenience.

MULTIPURPOSE. You will re-purpose your core content for Web-based downloadable books, eBook readers, compact discs, articles, special reports, compatible (non-info) products, seminars, consulting and digital audio.

IF YOU HAVE SOLD OUT TO A PUBLISHER and are waiting for your royalty checks, it is still up to you to do the promotion. Learn what you should do by reading this InfoKit and get the recommended resources.

WHY PRINT AND MAIL MEDIA (PRESS) KITS? Save time and money, put your kit on your web site instead. For an example, see:


VISIT OUR WEB SITE for more than 500 pages of free resources on book writing, producing, marketing, promoting and distributing. Our revamped web site has a dynamite search engine. It can even locate tips, resources and information in our newsletters over the past 11 years. This is an infinitely-valuable research tool. Try it See the Search box at the top of the page.

JOIN THE PUBLISHERS MARKETING ASSOCIATION. PMA is an international organization of more than 4,000 publishers who have banded together to market books cooperatively. They make joint mailings and exhibit together at book (and other) fairs for great savings of time and money. For a free magazine and membership kit, contact PMA, 627 Aviation Way, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266. Or call: 310-372-2732. Or email your request to See and

FREE LISTING. Once your book is published, you may list it free on the Para Publishing Web site. Just click on Success Stories and fill in the form. Include your email address and URL so that buyers and reviewers can click directly back to you. See

SUBSCRIBE TO OUR FREE NEWSLETTER Publishing Poynters for the latest information on book writing, publishing and promoting. Each issue is jammed with book news, tips, resources, freebies and some humor. To see past editions, subscribe or unsubscribe, see


BOOK SHEPHERDS are a particular kind of consultant. They specialize in taking a book project through all the necessary steps that may include editing, design, typesetting, locating the right printer, getting a distributor, marketing and promotion (including your Web presence). Shepherds work with the author/publisher to assure that the book is produced and marketed efficiently and economically. These godparents use their experience and contacts to make sure all the publishing bases are covered and that they are covered in the right order. Some of the better-known Book Shepherds are:

Alan Gadney
Barbara Florio Graham (Canada)
Barbara Kimmel
Bob Goodman
Brian Jud
Cynthia Frank
Ellen Reid
Ernie Weckbaugh
Gail Kearns/Penny Paine
Jacqueline Simonds,
Janice Phelps
Jim Donovan
Judith Briles, PhD.
Kira Henschel,
Linda Radke
Mindy Gibbons-Klein (UK)
Rita Mills,
Serena Williamson Andrew Ph.D (Canada).
Shel Horowitz
Shum F.P. (Malaysia)
Simon Warwick-Smith
Sylvia Hemmerly

The Book Shepherd: A virtual production & marketing director who is your mentor, tutor, coach and friend in the book business.
Contact them to see what each one can do for you.

LISTSERVS FOR AUTHORS & PUBLISHERS. The cheapest book consulting you can get. Several interest groups serve book writing and publishing. You can join and learn. You can ask questions and authors and publishers with personal experience will answer you. Sometimes you will be able to contribute to the list. See the various lists below, visit their sites, select two or three and join.

--PUB-FORUM. One of the oldest. Populated by experienced publishers. Sometimes gets off-topic. See

--SELF-PUBLISHING. Owned by SPAN. For newbies. Advertising and rudeness are prohibited. See

--PUBLISH-L. The original publishers' list with a new owner. See

--SMALLPUB-CIVIL. A new list. Run by Shel Horowitz. Name calling is prohibited. See

--IND-E-PUBS. Covers eBooks. See

--POD PUBLISHERS. A business discussion group for publishers of print-on-demand books. See

--PUBLISHING DESIGN. A place for authors, typesetters, designers, publishers, etc. to exchange ideas that will help self-publishers create professional-looking books to compete with those produced by larger publishing houses. See



Copy Law.


CONSULTING. I am also available for one-on-one private consulting. I can help you in Santa Barbara, at your place or over the telephone. Most consulting is by telephone. See

HAVE A LEGAL QUESTION? See Lawyers on the Supplier List at and

MORE HELP. If you want help with your book promotion, see our Suppliers List at

WORKSHOP. Come to a workshop here in Santa Barbara. We will take you by the hand and spend two days showing you the New Model: You will handle all the new electronic toys and will leave with a power binder of materials and resources. For details, see

And scroll down.
And, come see me at some other great conferences around North America. See

SEMINAR. If you are in Southern California, I present a seminar on nonfiction book writing at the Learning Annex six times each year. I will take you through the New Book Model and show you how to build a nonfiction book. You will get a voluminous handout with resources. For class schedules, see Sign up on line and save. Dan Poynter’s Book Writing Course is #522-A; the cost is around $50. The three-hour course begins at 6:30 PM.

DAN POYNTER IS COMING TO YOUR HOME. You can get Internet access to his 3+-hour New Book Model video program. You will see & hear him in action with more than 150 PowerPoint slides. It will be just like attending one of Dan’s seminars without the travel and parking. Dan will take you through writing your book, publishing it and promoting the book. Nothing is left out. And you can go back to review any part or the entire show anytime you'd like, as many times as you'd like. This is his complete program—the one he has been doing all over the world as he flies more than 4,000 miles/week. See

WHERE IS DAN POYNTER? Find out when he will be speaking in your area. See


PROMOTING YOUR BOOK. The most effective and least expensive way to promote your book is by sending out lots of review copies to subject-specific magazines and newsletters, following up with news releases & articles and by using highly-targeted direct email to your colleagues.

BOOK REVIEWS shows you in detail how to take advantage of the free publicity available to books. Reviews are not hard to get if you follow the unwritten (until now) rules. This Report provides paint-by-the-numbers instructions for making galleys and describes in a detailed action plan on how to set up a review program so your books will be reviewed again and again. It covers pre-publication reviews, early reviews, retail reviews, and continuing reviews with examples of the packages for each. The Report even tells you what to do with the reviews after you receive them-using them to generate even more reviews. Complete with lists of major reviewers and sources for the rest. Examples and resources. See and scroll down at

Once your book is listed at and, ask other publishers to post reviews for your book. Just post your request in Publishing Poynters Marketplace. See

MAILING LISTS. Dan Poynter's unique book promotion mailing lists may be rented. Advertising space is expensive; editorial space is free. Use these lists to send review copies of books and news releases to specialized magazines, newsletters and newspaper columns. Review copies and news releases are your least expensive and most effective form of book promotion. See

NEWS RELEASES AND BOOK PUBLICITY shows you how to draft news releases, articles and other print publicity for your books. After book reviews, news releases are your most effective and least expensive form of book promotion and you may send one out every month. Newspaper and magazine editors want to pass on interesting information to their readers. The trick is to draft an interesting news release (tied into your book) that the editor will want to use. This report has step-by-step instructions, paint-by-the-numbers format outlines, many examples and resources. See and scroll down at


NEED A BROCHURE PRINTER? See the Supplier List at

NON-TRADITIONAL BOOK MARKETS are far more lucrative than the book trade (bookstores). See BOOK MARKETING: A New Approach.

BOOK MARKETING: A New Approach is a low-cost marketing plan for your book. It describes each book-trade distributor and lists the types of books they specialize in. Then it shows you how to approach them. The Report goes on to lead you through a three-step plan for selling directly to the customer, a five-step plan for selling to bookstores, a seven-step plan for libraries, all the subsidiary rights, and our specialty: the more lucrative non-traditional markets. You will discover how to sell your books to catalogs, as premiums, as fundraisers, to specialty stores, etc. This step-by-step plan will make sure you have completely covered every possible market. An absolute gold mine of book promotion references and sources. Start your book promotion with this Special Report. See and scroll down at

COOPERATIVE BOOK PROMOTIONS. Cut your mail, book fair and other promotion costs by splitting them with other publishers. See the listings and list your wants in Marketplace. Subscribe to our newsletter Publishing Poynters and as a bonus, you will receive Marketplace early every month. See Marketplace at our website; there are details on listings in every edition.

THE SECRET TO NONTRADITIONAL BOOK SALES is to identify and locate your market. Be realistic about the (small) group of people who are vitally and personally interested in the subject. Then try to locate them. Ask yourself: what stores do they shop in, what magazines do they read, what associations and clubs do they join and, even, what channels (golf?) do they watch. Approach your prospective buyer where you can find a high concentration of them. Go to places where your potential readers have voluntarily come together to form groups of like-minded people. Dig your mine where the ore is richest.

"Guerrilla marketers see special events as prime marketing opportunities. At these events, people with similar interests gather in a nurturing atmosphere and are highly approachable. Everyone attending a special event is there to make contacts, talk shop and do business. Special events are efficient forums to promote your books because you’re with droves of potential customers, clients and contacts in a confined area and time.
--Rick Frishman, President of PTA and co-author of Guerrilla Publicity.

THE SELF-PUBLISHING MANUAL, How to Write, Print & Sell Your Own Book by Dan Poynter is a complete course in writing, publishing, marketing, promoting and distributing books. It takes you step–by–step from idea, through manuscript, printing, promotion and sales according to the New Book Model. The Manual shows you how to set type, lay out your book and find the right printer. Along with an in-depth study of the book pub¬lishing industry, the book ex¬plains in detail numerous innovative book-marketing techniques. The Manual is a Bible and a constant reference for pub¬lishers. If you are in the production and marketing phase of your project, you need this book. Writer's Digest Book Club selection. New revised edition. See and scroll down at

DAN POYNTER IS Mr SELF-PUBLISHING and one of his new URLs is Click on it.

Contact Tim McCormick at
And Brian Jud at

INTERVIEWS. If you like doing radio, a book is your entrée. Most of the people being interviewed are authors with a new book.

Radio-TV Interview Report and PR people can get you on the show. The rest is up to you. If you are interesting and make your subject fascinating, you will sell more books than an interviewee who is dull.

It also helps a lot to select your audience. For example, Alex Carroll uses radio exclusively to promote his book. He selects 50,000-watt stations and interviews in drive-time only. He is very busy early in the morning and late in the afternoon.
He sells enough books to be able to afford to live in Santa Barbara.
He is a great interview and his book is on
How to Beat Your Traffic Ticket.

If you are a reclusive author who finds that radio interviews only make you anxious, don’t bother with interviews. You probably will not be good enough at them to sell many books. OTOH, if you are an extrovert, if you love your subject and your audience, you will probably be very successful with radio.

Eventually, you will work your way up to television--and then to the bigger shows.
Remember, the six most important words in broadcast book promotion:
Nice to see you AGAIN Oprah!

Broadcast interviews are just one form of book promotion and one part of your promotion program. Do not forget review copies, mini-seminars in bookstores, sending articles to magazines in your field and so on.
For more information on how to get on shows, see our Document 602 on our web site.


NEED RADIO AND TV COACHING? See the Supplier List at


DISTRIBUTION. There are about 85 book distributors across North America; some carry several categories or genres while others sell just one type of book such as computer, children's or cookbooks. Now the question is how do you find the right distributor? The secret is to match your book (or line of books) with a distributor that already offers titles of the same type. They will have a relationship with stores that have major sections of that type of book and they may be serving other appropriate stores outside the book trade. For a list of the distributors, see the Book Marketing report or Document 605, Locating the Right Distributor.

CHAINSTORES: IT’S THE AUTHOR, NOT THE BOOK. One way to get into the chains is through the backdoor.

Go to a local chain store and offer a mini seminar on your subject. We used to call these “autographings.”

Then you must turn out the crowd. Remember, the store is only providing the venue. They want you to bring in new customers.

Send an announcement to everyone in your email address book and ask your friends, relatives and colleagues to forward the announcement to anyone they know (within driving distance) who will be interested in you or the subject.
Take books to the store.

When you get to the store, proceed to the shelf where your book will be and look for other books very much like yours.

Take them back to the presentation/autographing area. When you speak, take time to hold up the other books (puts your book in good company) and praise them.
“This is the book that got me started in this business.” “This is the book I keep next to my dictionary for constant reference,” and so on.
Your audience can purchase just your book or they can leave the store with three or four. Each person can spend $20 or $60.
Sixty dollars will impress the store a lot more. And that store will want to stock your book.

Then go to the next chain store. Based on your prior performance, they will want you; they may even have heard of you already.
After a few stores, the chain will want your book.

Do not be disappointed when the chain puts you in 300 stores instead of every one of their 850 outlets. Each store is profiled; they know what will sell there. For example, a business title will go into downtown stores while parenting titles will be displayed in stores in the suburbs. Your books will go into the stores were it will move.

It’s the author, not the book.
Stores want authors who sell books.
Books don’t sell themselves, authors sell books.

BOOK FULFILLMENT IS EXPENSIVE AND TIME-CONSUMING. John Huenefeld says shipping books costs 7% to 14% of sales depending upon whether most of the books go out in single packages or by the carton. See

A new alternative to distributors is to work with a fulfillment service. BookMasters and Book Clearing House will fill individual orders and bulk orders. They can provide toll-free order lines, credit card facilities and ‘round-the-clock answering. Both have established the link to Ingram. BookMasters also handles printing. See their web sites.

Book Clearing House (BCH), Nancy Smoller, 46 Purdy Street, Harrison, NY 10528. Tel: 800-431-1579; Fax: 914-835-0398;;

BookMasters, Inc., Sherry Ringler, 2541 Ashland Road, Mansfield, OH 44905. Tel: (800) 537-6727; Tel: (419) 589-5100; fax: (419) 589-4040;;

Fulfillment services often cost less than distributors while offering many of the same services. Also see


BOOK FULFILLMENT: Order Entry, Picking, Packing and Shipping explains in detail how to set up and run your shipping department. The Report covers order taking (letter openers, credit cards, card terminals, 800 numbers, fax, order services, order forms, and discount structures); order processing (computer hardware and software, shipping labels, short slips, bad cheques, overpayments, invoices, back orders, the Federal Trade Commission rules, complaints, book return policy, statements and collections); inventory and storage (shipping instructions to printer, book receiving, book returns, inventory control, stacking, and shipping room layout) and book packaging (how to wrap, where to get and how to use shipping bags and cartons, machinery such as tape dispensers, scales, postage meters and bag sealers with sources, using UPS, Direct Sacks and various Postal rates, foreign shipping and customs duty). Then the Report covers the alternatives to in-house fulfillment: using wholesalers, distributors, joint representation and fulfillment warehouses with a list of those to contact. Complete with forms and shipping rate charts, an action plan and an Appendix full of resources. See and scroll down at

SUCCESSFUL NONFICTION: Tips & Inspiration for Getting Published by Dan Poynter. This is a gift book for the writer within or the writer in your life. It might be described as Life's Little Instruction Book meets Chicken Soup for the Writer's Soul. Each page hits you right in the thought process with a tip, an explanation, an illustrative story and a writing quotation. All writers will find this book informative, insightful and fun. "Bet you can't read just one."

You will discover: 38 Tips on how to write, 11 Tips on why you should write, 4 Tips on why your writing project should be a book, 21 Tips on what to write, 7 Tips on doing research, 9 Tips for building your book, 3 Tips on Copyright, 10 Tips for finding the right agent or publisher, 6 Tips on book promotion, And much, much more.

Successful Nonfiction is a beautiful book. The soft cover book has gold stamping, embossing, French flaps, end sheets and a matte finish. It is a book as an "art form". See and scroll down at

TO FIND MUCH OF THE INFORMATION AND ITEMS YOU NEED, see The Book Publishing Encyclopedia: An A-Z Treasury of Tips and Resources for Authors & Publishers. by Dan Poynter. 978-1-56860-127-4. See

FICTION AND POETRY are harder to sell. If you are not working on nonfiction, you must get

PUBLISHING FICTION & POETRY. Fiction and poetry must be sold—just like any¬thing else. This Report will put you in touch with the right people and products: books, tapes, reports, magazines, mailing lists, con¬tests, marketing consultants and more. It tells you how to find a publisher. Document 606. See and scroll down at:

SPECIAL RESOURCES FOR SPECIFIC CATEGORY BOOKS. Or if you or a colleague are working on a particular genre, we have specific resources for you.

CHILDREN’S BOOKS: Resources for Writing, Producing and Promoting Juveniles lists the help you will need to write, produce, pub¬lish and promote this unique type of book.
Document 610. See and scroll down at:

COOK BOOKS: Resources for Writing, Produc¬ing and Promoting Books on Food lists the help you will need to write, pro¬duce, pub¬lish and promote this unique type of book. Document 613. See and scroll down at:

TRAVEL BOOKS: Resources for Writing, Producing and Promoting Guidebooks. Lists the information sources you need to suc¬cess¬fully publish and promote travel books. Document 616. See and scroll down at:

NEW AGE BOOKS: Resources for Writing, Producing and Promoting Books on meta¬physics, the occult and new thinking. Pro¬vides the leads you need for more informa¬tion. Names and numbers.
Document 617. See and scroll down at:

RELIGIOUS BOOKS: Resources for Writing, Producing and Promoting theological books. Lists the information sources you need to successfully publish and promote religious books. Document 618. See and scroll down at:

SCREENWRITING: Fiction (theatricals) & Nonfiction (documentaries) by Gail Kearns is jammed with tips, ideas and resources on writing screenplays from Movies-of-the-Week to sitcoms. She also tells you how to protect your work.
Document 638. See and scroll down at

PROMOTION TAKES TIME. In book promotion, there is a long lead time and a long lag time. For example, when you send out books for review, it will take three months to three years for the reviews to appear. Follow the Calendar in The Self-Publishing Manual. Keep up the pressure. Do five things to promote your book every day—even a telephone call counts. Do not slow down and do not give up. Promoting is up to you.

NEED SOMEONE TO TAKE YOUR BOOK TO TRADESHOWS? See the exhibitor services on the Supplier List at

DAN POYNTER IS COMING TO VISIT YOU. He is circling the world to show people how to make a difference and make a living through their books. He shares The New Book Model: how to approach agents, publishers and self-publish all at the same time. He will show you how to use innovative techniques and leading-edge technology to write your books faster, produce your books for less and promote your books more effectively. He makes writing, publishing and promoting books easy, profitable and fun. See The New Book Model at

Dan Poynter's seminars have been featured on CNN, his books have been pictured in The Wall Street Journal, and his story has been told in U.S. News & World Report. The media comes to Dan because he is the leading authority on book writing, producing, marketing, promoting and distributing. The author of more than 100 books and revisions and more than 500 magazine articles on publishing, he is one of the industry's most energetic, experienced and respected leaders.

At some events he provides the entire four-hour writing, publishing & promoting program while at others he gives a shorter presentation. Most presentations are in PowerPoint with motion and sound.

He also speaks on parachutes and skydiving.

See Dan's speaking Calendar on our website:


INFORMATION KITS ON SPECIFIC ASPECTS OF BOOKS. Each F-R-E-E kit consists of more than 15 pages of details, tips and resources. Each is geared to a level of The New Book Model.

=> Researching and Writing
=> Producing books (pBooks), eBooks sBooks lpBooks & dBooks.
=> Marketing, promoting & distributing books.

YOU REQUESTED INFORMATION ON BOOK PROMOTING so we have tailored this response to your needs. We have more resources on all phases of book writing, producing, publishing, selling, promoting and distributing. Let us know what you need. Contact Para Publishing at 800-PARAPUB or Para Publishing is your non-fiction book writing information source; we are here to help.

"I don't want people to die with a book still inside them"
- - Dan Poynter

Para Publishing. Dan Poynter: Author (100+ books), Publisher (since 1969), Speaker (CSP).
Information Products on Book Writing/Publishing/Promoting, Parachutes/Skydiving, Expert Witness & Aging Cats.
PO Box 8206, Santa Barbara, CA 93118-8206 USA. Tel: +1-805-968-7277; Fax: +1-805-968-1379; Cell: +1-805-448-9009. More than 500 pages of helpful information:
Showing people how to write, publish and promote their books--one presentation at a time., F-R-E-E Writing-Publishing-Promoting InfoKits:

--Dan Poynter

Unknown said...

Hi Suzanne, I like your blog. I certainly will use it to learn more about the business of publishing/promoting. I too have a book sitting on a shelf in a local book store. The comments that this is not necessarily productive, were relevant. Thank You.
My blog is called Swinging Through the Poet-tree
Till we meet again, Gemini Writer

Mieke said...

I just sold 250 copies in two weeks of my new book:The tale of Miss spider that spun her web.
I sold them through Christmas markets, and books signings.I wish everyone good luck. We can do this with a lot of positivity and hard work. Set out your intent and belief in your self.